Question about fishing rods
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17/11/18 à 22h16
Hello, please tell me where you can find items for improved fishing rods? Especially the one that need to show the fisherman on the road 2, in addition to Apple and pokemon? Thank you in advance.

18/11/18 à 0h56
c'est en français que peut t'il comprendre ?

18/11/18 à 9h53
il a pokexp en anglais

18/11/18 à 9h59
le guide n'est pas en anglais c'est pas de ma faute ^^

18/11/18 à 10h19 (Edition : 18/11/18 à 10h25)
For the second fishing rod (If I remember right he gives you freely the first one), there is a stick you can find lying on the ground near CryoValley. It looks like a Pokeball on the ground : pick it up, get a Staryu with the first rod and an apple and come back to the person who can give you the Good Rod.
For the last rod, it's near the league towards the end of Wandah. After getting the 7th badge, you'll have access to a new route (Chemin Lagon, I think the english name for it is Lagoon Road). There's a house here, if you bring back to the guy two Hamburgers, three Onigiri and a Starmie (not sure about that Starmie. It's been a while since I've completed the quest, so I might be wrong on that), he'll give you the last rod you can have in the game. Hope it helps !
FR only : les gars il parle ANGLAIS vous comprenez pas quoi? Il va pas réussir à lire un truc qui n'est pas sa langue natale hein
For the last rod, it's near the league towards the end of Wandah. After getting the 7th badge, you'll have access to a new route (Chemin Lagon, I think the english name for it is Lagoon Road). There's a house here, if you bring back to the guy two Hamburgers, three Onigiri and a Starmie (not sure about that Starmie. It's been a while since I've completed the quest, so I might be wrong on that), he'll give you the last rod you can have in the game. Hope it helps !
FR only : les gars il parle ANGLAIS vous comprenez pas quoi? Il va pas réussir à lire un truc qui n'est pas sa langue natale hein

18/11/18 à 11h00
non mais j'ai juste dit qu'il pouvait pas comprendre avec le guide français
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