PokExp launch in English

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PokExp launch in English


That's ready ! 

We have finish the translation of PokExp in English ! You can discover all the PokExp world in a new language. It was hard, but all is now ready. You can play with your friends, speak with them in a new part of the game. 

An update is planned in few days, for more and more contents. 


PokExp is the biggest french Pokémon game since 1 year. To celebrate that, we have decided to launch for you the game in English. 


But, with this new version, we don't have an english team. So, you can apply here: http://pokexp.com/join-us. We will read all your application.


Also, you can made publicity everywhere. EVERYWHERE ! 

(And if you see some mistakes or bugs, please report them on the forum: http://pokexp.com/forum/ 


Thanks for reading, 




Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokExpTeam

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pokexpteam/

Dresseur du jeu PokExp
Kittikatt Dresseur
12/10/2016 09:21

Yay, english! :)

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